About New Life in Christ Jesus Blog
Hi, my name is Bret Griffin. I’m a graduate of Georgia Tech, an alumnus of Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, and an ordained deacon. My passion of late has been to help Christians discover their Divine NAture, their spiritual DNA. To that end, I wrote a book titled, New Life in Christ Jesus. I could not find a traditional publisher because I was a new author without a platform, so I published it myself through Westbow Press. New Life in Christ Jesus is available at many online retailers. Here are three of the many places that carry my book:
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Westbow Press
I started this blog, not to sell books, but as a way to interact more personally with other Christians who are interested in learning more about our new life in Christ. Unfortunately, the demands of my professional career have kept me from actively updating the content on this site. As a result, I have posted no new content for several years. Hopefully, now that I have retired, I will find the time to add new content and re-engage you all on this important subject. I am toying with starting a YouTube channel and providing links to the videos on this site. I would appreciate your prayers of support.
Love in Christ,
Bret Griffin