Author Archives: Bret Griffin

God Teaches Us Spiritual Truth

I really like the theological forum at It gives me an opportunity to share with others the good things God has taught me. But there is a problem. Some people do not believe that God teaches us anything at … Continue reading

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Let the Mind of Christ Be in You

This is from the sixth chapter of New Life in Christ Jesus… Philippians 2:5–13 Let the Mind of Christ Be in You The apostle Paul said: Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being … Continue reading

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Wavering Trust in Christ Loosens Our Anchor

Jesus is the anchor of our souls. To Him we have fled for refuge from the wrath to come (Hebrews 6:18-19). But when we waver in our confidence in Christ, our confidence that we will escape God’s wrath always wavers also. When we … Continue reading

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Sanctification Is Not Progressive

This is from the seventh chapter of New Life in Christ Jesus… I learned of the doctrine of progressive sanctification in the early 1980’s. One of my former pastors believed in it, and he taught it to me through his … Continue reading

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The Word of God Lives in Our Hearts

This is from the second chapter of New Life in Christ Jesus… The cornerstone of the covenant that God made with the children of Israel in the desert of Sinai was the Ten Commandments. God wrote that document into tablets … Continue reading

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We Know God Because We Know His Spirit

This is from the fourth chapter of New Life in Christ Jesus… When Jesus left earth and went back to heaven, the paradigm for knowing God shifted a bit.  While He was on the earth, knowing God and knowing the Spirit … Continue reading

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